I grew up in Caracas, studied in the U.K., became a mother in Hong Kong and I now live in New York City!
My journey in photography started at a young age in Brighton, England where I pursued my photography studies. I started my career in London assisting commercial studios, multiple photographers and then eventually getting my own clients as a freelance photographer.
In 2015, I founded Foto Féminas - an online platform to promote the works of Latin American and Caribbean women photographers. For this, I have organized and produced photo exhibitions in Argentina, China, Guatemala, Peru, Chile and Mexico. In 2016, I started Foto Féminas’ library which was created to continue the mission to celebrate and archive the work of female and non-binary Latin American photographers. The mobile library has been displayed and exhibited at different art institutions and festivals in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, New York and Miami.
In 2022, I started to freelance as a photo editor, where I continue to be excited about all that photography has to offer!
Lens Blog - The New York Times
By David González
British Journal of Photography – BJP
By Sarah Roberts
In Sight – The Washington Post
By Olivier Laurent
Photographic Museum of Humanity - PHmuseum
By Giuseppe Oliverio
By Christina Noriega
A Women’s Thing magazine
By Verónica Sanchis Bencomo
Radio and podcasts
Color in Photography
By Aimee Santos
Notes From A Native Daughter
By Soldanela Rivera
Estación Sur, Tren para pocos
By Adela Rafaghelli Paris
By Federico Paladino
La Patriada
By Florencia Cosin
Foto con Fede
By Federico Murua
VIST Projects
Por Maíra Gamarra
El Universal
Por Juan Antonio González
El Mostrador
Por Gabriel de Britto Ibrahi
Suplemento Las 12
Por Laura Rosso
Comunicación del Centro Gumilla
Artículo “Delante y detrás de cámara. Apuntes sobre el rol de las mujeres en la fotografía venezolana” / María Teresa Boulton y Johanna Pérez Daza
The Routledge Companion to Global Photographies
Edited By Lucy Soutter, Duncan Wooldridge
Chapter: Foto Féminas
Shaping the Narrative of Female Photographers from Latin America and the Caribbean. By Verónica Sanchis Bencomo